Welcome to The Boxer Dog Stories

Specs Dogs is a collection of boxer dog stories told from the eyes of Brix, the boxer dog. He is also known as the B-Stud. From these boxer stories, we learn of the joys and pains of puppy-hood to adult life. Along the way, boxer dog and owner learn to strengthen their human to canine bond thru training, playing and just being plain silly. Enjoy!

For videos visit: http://www.youtube.com/specs23
Send us your dog stories: leungjcp@gmail.com

Thursday, September 2, 2010


While many people are starting to head back to school, the B-Stud here graduated with flying colours....at least I think so.

There's me and Mom getting ready to do the mock Canine Good Neighbour Test.  I was so ready for it!  But I think Mom said I failed the human greeting part.  I can't help it,  I need to get up and investigate who's coming close to my Moms. I guard Mom with all my heart.

That's my favourite teacher, Ms. Glenny.  Sorry Dad, you're not my number one teacher.  Notice how I'm not paying attention to her, that's 'cause I'm too darn smart of course!

Here, we are working on our recalls.  I knew this one by heart and raced towards Mom when she called me. No problem.

And there it is, straight to the front of the fridge, my diploma, to go along with the many others I have.  So now that I passed ...everyone will now address me as Dr. B-Stud, my paper proves it so.

Then from the distance....

"Brix, you're a repeat offender. Get over yourself."

Thanks Dad, way to support your dog.  No time to talk, I'm heading out to the after party.  See ya.

Dr. B-Stud
Investigative Butt Analysis Unit.