Welcome to The Boxer Dog Stories

Specs Dogs is a collection of boxer dog stories told from the eyes of Brix, the boxer dog. He is also known as the B-Stud. From these boxer stories, we learn of the joys and pains of puppy-hood to adult life. Along the way, boxer dog and owner learn to strengthen their human to canine bond thru training, playing and just being plain silly. Enjoy!

For videos visit: http://www.youtube.com/specs23
Send us your dog stories: leungjcp@gmail.com

Monday, November 21, 2011

Boxer Dog and Twins

"I swear I didn't make them cry"

At the end of August, Mommy and Daddy brought home two new critters to the pack.  Now I'm the Omega, the bottom of the pack.  You know how that makes me feel?  I feel pissed.  I was the first one in the family and now all of a sudden, the twins arrive and I'm dead last.  I don't think so!

That's why I haven't posted because I'm been too angry.  Mom and Dad can go a whole day without even saying hi to me, patting my head, or taking me for a walk.  Just look at my paws....my nails are starting to curl over!

Don't get me wrong, the twins are great, but what about me?  Nobody gives me any attention.  I have to force myself into Mommy's lap, or climb up on Dad to get some attention here.  I'm just a boxer dog wanting some attention.


  1. Brix,

    What a wunderful surprise, twin two-leggers! We is so very happy fur your mom and dad! Hopefully you will get more attention soon. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS I have a new boxer brudder, his name is Max!

  2. Brutus felt the same way at first, but once they get old enough to scoot around and get a hold of your ears, you'll be in heaven. Brutus promises. Congrats on your TWO new additions!
