Welcome to The Boxer Dog Stories

Specs Dogs is a collection of boxer dog stories told from the eyes of Brix, the boxer dog. He is also known as the B-Stud. From these boxer stories, we learn of the joys and pains of puppy-hood to adult life. Along the way, boxer dog and owner learn to strengthen their human to canine bond thru training, playing and just being plain silly. Enjoy!

For videos visit: http://www.youtube.com/specs23
Send us your dog stories: leungjcp@gmail.com

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Marley and Me - Review

Hey guys, the B-Stud was busy over the holidays, with me entertaining the family. friends and my girl Hannah. Mom and Dad for x'mas bought me a new bed. It's an orthopedic one and oh, it's so good. Good thing Mom didn't buy me a COACH collar or leash. I would seriously rip that up because no stud wears COACH. How's life been for the B-Stud you ask? It's been great! I sleep, eat, poop and people love me for it. Next week I have to see the vet. Hope I get a clean bill of health. I hear from Dad I need 3 shots. Like they're really going to be able to stick a needle into this Boxer body.

Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was a movie I saw yesterday called Marley and Me. To be honest, I thought it would be a dumb movie about a dog, so dumb that it brought tears to my eyes, to Mom and Dad's too. I know you cried Dad, don't you lie now, I saw moisture coming down. I see everything...in gray scale. Mom was balling and sniffing so much she ran out of tissues.

I won't be a spoiler of the movie but basically it's about Marley, the yellow lab, and his bond with his family. Marley is a cute dog, but I'm cuter. He's also a really badly behaved one, destroying everything in sight. People actually laugh when they see a dog destroying stuff. Mom and Dad would kill me if I acted that way. Although Marley acts so bad, his family accepts him the way he is, and love him. Throughout the movie, the canine to human bond grows and develops. His parents learn that puppy hood is actually hard work. New children are introduced into Marley's life and the less time is spent with the dog. At one point, Marley's parents want to get rid of him. I hope you don't do that to me Mom and Dad. They realize getting rid of the dog is not a solution and so life continues for Marley.

If you break it down, you see a lot of Marley running, destroying things, and his parents chasing after him. The turning point of the movie is when Marley begins to get old and here's where the bond with a dog really hits home. It can't be explained. People cry when their pets die. We never speak a word to our human parents, we never even give them gifts. Despite this, by being there all the step of the way with our master and supporting our two legged parents, we show unconditional love. When people see Marley in his last days, with his master by his side, your throat chokes up. It gets hard to breathe and water builds up in the eyes becoming tears. That's what I noticed with Mom and Dad. That bond cannot be explained. When it's time for me to say bye, I know Mom and Dad would do the same as Marley's parents did, bury me close to the home.

So from a dog's point of view, I give it two paws. Go see it, it's a powerful movie.


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