Welcome to The Boxer Dog Stories

Specs Dogs is a collection of boxer dog stories told from the eyes of Brix, the boxer dog. He is also known as the B-Stud. From these boxer stories, we learn of the joys and pains of puppy-hood to adult life. Along the way, boxer dog and owner learn to strengthen their human to canine bond thru training, playing and just being plain silly. Enjoy!

For videos visit: http://www.youtube.com/specs23
Send us your dog stories: leungjcp@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dad still sick

Dad's been sick for over a week now!  He was getting better until someone smashed into the back of our car.  Our car was parked and luckily me and Dad were heading back to the car when we caught the person red handed. 

I think that pushed Dad into a relapse as he started to get a fever, headache and strep throat.  I've been hanging around watching over Dad.  Mom's been taking care of Dad and me too.  Lots of stuff been happening to me but I'll wait 'till Dad gets better to let you all know. 

This weekend will be Mom and Dad's 2 year anniversary and they're driving down to Niagara and to Buffalo for some shopping.  Which leaves me at my grandparents.  They love me even though they always told Dad not to get a dog.  As soon as I came into their lives... wham...  instant love.  It took grandma a bit of time because she said she was scared of my size and bark.  C'mon, I'm the smallest boxer around.

Anyway, gotta check on Dad to see if he's taken his meds.  


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekend at the Cottage

This weekend Mom and Dad surprised me.

"Brix, let's go to the cottage!"
"What?  When did we get a cottage?", I asked.
"Oh, well you know, when we won the lotto 649." Dad replied.

What!!!!!?????? I wiggled my butt so hard it almost fell off and bounced up and down at the news.
I started to do my stud dance...

"We won the jackpot!  We won the jackpot! Holy crap we won!"
"Holy crap, you really believe we won?"
"What are you saying Dad?"
"We're going to Dom's cottage stooge, pack 'em up."
"Frig, we didn't win?"

Way to give a boxer a heart attack.  Damn, imagine we did win....I could pay someone to be my girlfriend...but naw...weez didn't win.

So off we went to Uncle Dom's cottage.  It was our first time there and I had a blast.  Check me out, that's me on the beach and behind me....is someone else's boat.  That's Georgian Bay where Dad and Uncle Ron paddled in Dad's inflatable kayak.  They got soaked and Dad's camera got submerged in water.  Guess the dry sac isn't waterproof eh Dad?  He wasn't pissed at all about the camera.   He can now buy an SLR. 

At the beach I met another boxer, Kayko.  He's getting into his senior years at 7yrs of age.  So I respects him and carefully greeted him.  I sniffed his butt, he sniffed mine and it was going great until he thought he could put his head over my shoulder.  You knows the B-Stud don't takes dat from nobody.  And weez argued a bit.

"Hey man, I respects you, but youz can't be putting your heads over me."
"This is my beach, I've been here 7 years, who are you to question my authority."
"Oh, you didn't know, I'm the B-Stud and you better fear me...cause...cause....cause my kungfu is stronger than yours!"
"Get out of here little man....all what...60lbs of skin and bone.  Move along."

I didn't let that ruin my day.  I played with Mom along the shore, Dad and I ran in the morning, Uncle Dom and Ron laughed at my boxer antics.  Auntie Ed and Joce were saying how well I was behaved at the cottage.  It was a good weekend to remember. 


Thursday, July 15, 2010

An Award!

This is interesing, I'z gotz an award! Yay! Thanks to Lucy's Human, lovely Lucy graciously sent me this award.

The guidelines for accepting this award are :

1. Thank the person who gave it to you
2. Tell 7 things about yourself
3. Pass the award on to 10 bloggers whom you have recently discovered,
and think are fantastic

7 things you don't know about me, the B-Stud.  My secrets are out!

1.  Ever since Mom and Dad adopted me, I've never had to cut my nails.  Good for Mom and Dad right.
2.  My teeth are bad.  =(.  Brushing my teeth is a 2 person process.  One to hold me down, the other does the brushing.
3   I get a hardon sometimes when I see Mom or Dad in the mornings.  Mom touched it once.  Dad freaked out.
4.  My farts smell like roses.  People hold their nose or start fanning the air.
5.  I get stressed in the elevator and long car rides especially when the car is packed with stuff.  I start hyper-ventilating
6.  I'm not scared of thunder or rain, but fireworks freak me out.
7.  I know exactly when we pass by my grandparnts house, uncle V's house, doggie daycare, Global Pet Food, and my original home.  I stand up in the backseat of the car and stick my head out the window.  Sometimes I whine when we whiz by those places.

10 bloggers I think are FANTASTIC.

1.  Maggie Mae - I like secretly likes her but she lives too far to starts a relationships...
2.  Lucky is Human - another beauty but I like to keep my options open.  She gets to do fun stuff all the time.
3.   Dogs in Canada Blog - they got good stuff and I subscribe to them to keep up with my canaine peeps.
4.  Patricia McConnel - she's a top dog trainer and I read to see how not to piss off Mom and Dad.
5.  Stanley Coren blog - another top dog trainer where I can see how to be the best behaved dog there is.
6. Jean's Blog - dog behaviourist Jean Donaldson. Dog Star Daily - ton of blogs from well respected people in the canine world. Great information from the grand daddy of dog training Ian Dunbar.

Cheers, B-Stud.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rusty on the First Day

School is in session, summer school to be exact.  Just another reason to prove I'm the top dog in class and this time it's going to be easy.  There's only 4 doggies in class!  I know I can take these canines 'cause I run the show in this region.

"Brix, you're getting cocky again.  What did I tell you?"
"I don't know Dad, that I'm the best around, nothing is ever going to take me down?"
"Brix, your standard of good isn't exactly the same standard they hold elsewhere.  Far from it."
"Geez Dad, way to be a supporting Father.  Hate to be your two legged son.  That's why Mom is in this class, not you."

To sum it up, I dids what I was axed, protexts when the others invaded and made my class laugh when I played dead....even though I was suppose to demonstrate an exercise. I'm going to so rock this class with flying colours!


Picture 1:  That's me protecting Momma from a Lab who was coming near.  Check out how muscular my hind legs are.  All American muscle.
Picture 2:  Oh that's me again this time wanting to play with the newbies in class.
Picture 3:  That's me showing how smart I am watching Momma.  I get treats for that.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Camping Yes! Kennel Cough No!

Finally, our camping trip was about to start.  Everyone started to get excited and Dad was able to stuff all our gear in his little Civic.  My goal for the trip was eat, sleep, poop but I was in for a real big surprise. There's me in Dad's car, waiting for Mom who wanted some caffiene before the trip.

The car was so packd, Dad was only able to leave me a sliver of space for the 2 hour car ride. I panted and looked over my shoulder frequently for any falling objects. When are we going to get a bigger car Dad? He says when I make money.

After a stressful ride for me, I chilled with Dad on the ground.

During the night I slept in Mom and Dad's tent.   There I am popping my head up from the sheets.  Mom says I look like a nun.

The next day, sure enough, Dad had planned a ton of activities for me.  The first two days our pack walked or jogged everywhere.  We went to the beach, back to the campsite, to the washrooms, to the hiking trails, to get ice cream, back to the beach.  Walking was fine but the bad part was swimming.  I told her I wanted to sleep but she and Dad both forced the orange life jacket on me.  Even with the orange life jacket on, don't be fooled,  I'm still a sexy stud magnet.  Believe that.

Having never tried swimming before, I freaked out.  "Help, my parents are lunatics, they want to kill me..." Every chance I had, I tried making a beeline to the shore only the get turned a round by Mom.  The water was freezing and the feeling of having nothing under my feet scared me.  I just needed to keep my head above water at all times. 


There's mom helping me learn the art of swimming. I kind of bruised and scratched her limbs with my paws 'cause I was paddling like a maniac and making big splashes of water. After a long time, I got tired and let the life jacket keep me a float. After settling down a little Mom had fun chasing me.

I was not ready for what was next on the third day.  I suddenly started to feel a scratch in my throat.  I tried coughing it out.  Then tried a again, and again but nothing came out.  Sometimes I would lie down and feel the urge to cough.  The terrible dry cough and hacking sounds woke up our camp and the surrounding ones.  I was sick and needed to rest.  Dad and Mom whisptered between themselves.  I'm a dog, I can hear you remember?
"Honey, he's sick. Look at him, he doesn't look normal." 
"I think he has kennel cough but how? One of the dogs here?"  Dad tried to make sense of it.
"He was at the daycare on Friday but that was 5 days ago."  Mom interjected.
"Don't know the incubation period. I can't say."  Dad replied.

So Dad gave me a break and I laid to rest all Saturday because of my kennel cough.  I was not allowed to meet other dogs and basically was quarantined.  I laid under some shade and thought to myself, "finally, I can enjoy what I wanted to do this whole trip, eat, sleep and poop." and I fell sound asleep.
